A Monster Watch Mashup

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A Monster Watch Mashup

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This year the Swiss watchmaker HYT is saluting the 200th birthday of another well-known creation of Swiss provenance: Frankenstein’s famous monster, which Mary Shelley dreamed up while visiting Lord Byron at Lake Geneva.

In a promotional video, HYT’s Dr. Frankenstein (played by the horology icon Laurent Picciotto) is elated, not when the hand of his piecemeal creature begins to twitch, but when its wristwatch shows signs of life.

HYT H3 or The New Prometheus

Video by HYTwatches

The watch is a limited-edition charcoal-gray platinum and titanium version of the house’s H3 model, which indicates the hour by the flow of a green liquid in a thin glass tube along a rodlike scale and minutes by the position of a pointer along a secondary scale.

“We wanted to create a world premiere in many aspects — one of them being the first double linear retrograde,” Vincent Perriard, HYT’s chief executive, said. “We wanted to create something truly unique, like an engine on your wrist.”

Ten of the edition’s 25 pieces are still available at 280,000 euros.

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