@FloorClocks Grandfather Clocks on Twitter

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1-800-4CLOCKS can now be found on Twitter at the @FloorClocks UserName but also with the name Grandfather Clocks appearing as our display name.  We have not entirely figured that one out yet, but are confident we will be there shortly.  Hopefully by the time the clock strikes 12.  Even though to date with our specialty being Grandfather Clocks and Floor Clocks by makers such as Howard Miller Clocks and Hermle Clocks and Kieninger Clocks and Ridgeway Clock Collection, we have yet to master the Twitter Universe.

Yet, somewhat unbelievably to us, we already have 54 Twitter followers!  Not bad if your not London’s Big Ben Clock or do not have Kim Kardashian endorsing your products (we read somewhere recently that she will accept paid Twitter broadcasts, or as they are called Tweets).  In our case, not likely to happen.

We would like better ways to let the world know that we sell antique wall clocks and regulators in addition to new wall clocks, and antique mantel clocks in addition to new mantle clocks by high-end companies like Howard Miller Clocks, Hermle, Ridgeway, Kieninger Clocks and more.  Grandfather Clocks are our specialty, and we are proud to carry brands with clock cases Made in the USA as well as around the world.  All of our new mechanical grandfather clocks have German movements made by either Hermle Clocks or Kieninger Clocks.  Our grandfather clock selection includes high-end clock makers like Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks, Hermle Grandfather Clocks, Ridgeway Grandfather Clocks, and Americana and Kieninger Grandfather and Floor Clocks.  We also plan on doing a lot of tweeting on Antique Grandfather Clocks and other kinds of antique clocks, including antique wall clocks and antique mantel clocks.  Grandfather clock movements, including chiming movements with the Westminster Chime or Ave Maria or Ode to Joy Chimes, as examples, could be the subject of other tweets.  On Grandfather Clock features, such as automatic nighttime shutoff and illuminated dials, we are not sure if those would be of interest or simply perhaps just a bit esoteric.

If anyone want to advise us on how to make best use of grandfather clocks and floor clocks on Twitter, we would be very thankful.  To date, our tweets have mostly included things like it’s 5pm and gong, gong, gong, gong and gong.  We know it is profound, but we are working on being even more insightful on how to master social media.  Soon we will share with you how to find us on Facebook.  And yes, we have clocks of all kinds on Pinterest as well.  You may even be surprised to learn we are on Etsy as well, but we haven’t quite yet figured out what to do with that clocks real estate.  Some videos which link to our website can be found on YouTube, but you may not be able to easily find them.  If you can, let us know.  Additionally, we are featured in various YouTube videos, though more often than not without any attribution.

We realize we must master the world of social media.  It is unclear to us how many of our customers and shoppers are also big users of social media.  if you have over 500 Facebook friends, and you are alerted to any new post on your phone, AND you are in the market for a high-quality grandfather clock, please let us know!  You can comment on this blog post, or better wet, feel free to tweet us at @FloorClocks or follow us at #FloorClocks.  At this point, we need all the media advice we can get, so tweeting is probably better than following just now.

@FloorClocks Grandfather Clocks on Twitter

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