Remember what it was like to move into your first home? When you were barely pulling enough money together to get into the house let alone decorate it in any sort of meaningful way? Those early years we are lucky to procure enough furniture from well meaning friends and family to create a comfortable home; the idea of going out and spending money on new pieces was simply out of the question.
Today, our finances may be a bit more in line but that doesn’t mean that most of us have an overwhelming cash flow. After all, we may be making more but chances are much more is going out than ever before; having a family and all that entails has made it more difficult than ever to make ends meet on a month to month basis. Having anything left over – enough to do anything with – is a luxury in and of itself.
For homeowners who want to make a dent in their design goals, sometimes it makes the most sense to purchase one high end item; something that will serve as the first piece in a foundation of décor. With this one piece in our possession, going forward, we can begin to add one piece at a time to complete the look. Grandfather clocks may be just the thing that many homeowners need to set the tone for their present and future design goals.
Grandfather clocks have many benefits in terms of offering a foundation on which to build a home’s décor. In the next post, we’ll discuss the benefits offered by grandfather clocks and how this one purchase can make all the difference.