Grandfather Clocks: For Young & Old

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Grandfather clocks often seem to have the reputation of being somewhat antiquated pieces of furniture; those pieces that are reserved for the older generation and are more often than not found in the homes of elderly relatives. The younger generation may fail to make the connection between the grandfather clocks of yesterday and those grandfather clocks of today that encompass more contemporary design principles. But the fact of the matter is that the grandfather clock is just as viable a design choice for the younger generation as it is for the older generation.

Grandfather clocks, in fact, are one of those pieces that have successfully evolved over time – continually being updated to appeal to a younger, more modern audience. Clock design professionals such as Howard Miller clocks, Kieninger clocks, and Ridgeway clocks have all made a concerted effort – and have found success in doing so – in making sure their clock designs are reflective of what their buying audience wants at the time, without sacrificing the underlying integrity of the grandfather clock.

This means that the modern consumer can logon on to an online supplier of grandfather clocks and certainly find traditional grandfather clock designs that perhaps fit in more classic older homes – or those homes that are looking to utilize a traditional design; but they can just as easily find more contemporary grandfather clock designs that are reflective of modern design principles and will fit seamlessly into more contemporary homes. Ultimately no matter your age or the design concept of your home, there is a grandfather clock that will surely help you meet your design goals and, more importantly, make you very happy.

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  1. […] stereotype of antiquated pieces of furniture. Such people with foresight see grandfather clocks in contemporary designs, befitting rooms that are more modern, more in keeping to the ever changing times. These visionary […]

  2. […] doesn’t appreciate the finer things in life and that when I get married that I need to have a grandfather clock in my home, too. she’s shown me the newer, contemporary styles that you can buy, and I think […]

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