This post was originally published on this site
Her mother’s lack of discipline is turning the 10-year-old into a brat, and I’m worried about her future.
My stepdaughter has been a single mother for about five years. She’s 45 and I recognize that it’s tough raising a 10-year-old girl while holding a full-time job and routinely jousting with an uncooperative ex-husband. I try my hardest to take everything into account.
At issue is my stepdaughter’s unwavering adherence to this “gentle parenting” concept of child rearing that’s currently in fashion.
In my opinion, the child is developing into a brat who knows her mother will rarely issue meaningful discipline. Instead, her mother “reasons” with her daughter until the next time the daughter’s actions merit more “reasoning.”
I warn my wife that today’s 10-year-old brat is tomorrow’s teenager prone to dangerous impulses. My wife agrees, but has yet to seriously address the issue with her daughter, despite my repeated attempts to get her to act.
Meanwhile, my stepdaughter and her child live nearby and at every visit I feel like I am walking on eggshells. Inevitably, the child will be told something she resents — usually by me — and the predictable hunched shoulders, fisted hands, and the all-too-familiar scowl will ensue as she stomps off and pouts, followed by her mother “reasoning” with her about “Grandpa’s misstep.”
I’m unable to do more than watch and simply await the arrival of a full-blown out-of-control situation.