Howard Miller Curio Grandfather Clock

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Curio grandfather clocks are sought after by many grandfather clocks shoppers and collectors who want to also be able to display collectibles or other keepsakes or mementos inside the shelves of the grandfather clocks with shelves, also known as Curio Grandfather Clocks.  One type of curio grandfather clock which used to be made, but we have not seen on the market in the last 10 years, is corner curio grandfather clocks, which were built to physically slide into the corner of a room.  Apparently, the demand must not have been there for the clock manufacturers to keep making this model.  But Howard Miller Clocks and Hermle Clocks and Ridgeway Clocks and Americana Grandfather Clocks and Kieninger Clocks take note – we do get several requests each year for corner curio cabinet clocks.  This suggest at least a thousand times of that type of curio grandfather clock could be sold in the marketplace.

There are a lot of very poor quality curio grandfather clocks, not to mention grandmother clocks and grandfather clocks in general, which may not only stand the test of time, or meet your level of satisfaction for chime quality or grandfather clock cabinet construction, but they might not even be strong enough to hold some of your collectibles safely over many years.  We only carry grandfather clock brands that we know are heirloom quality and will meet or exceed the expectations of customers with high quality standards.

Many people put statues and figurines on display in their curio grandfather clocks, as well as dishes, family photos, vases, sterling silver candlesticks, trophies, bowls, mementos of all kinds, and even collections of other clocks, including miniature grandfather clocks.  We would love to hear from you if you keep something else in your grandfather clock curios.

Many readers of our grandfather clock blog know this already, but many others will not, which is that Howard Miller Clocks and Ridgeway Clocks are now the same grandfather clock company.  Howard Miller purchased Ridgeway about 10 years ago, and about 8 years ago moved Ridgeway Clock’s manufacturing from Virginia to Howard Miller Clock’s production facility in Michigan, and since then, comparable grandfather clocks, including Ridgeway Curio Grandfather Clocks and Howard Miller Curio Grandfather Clocks, are all made in the same place by the same people, and comparable models have the identical Kieninger Clock German mechanical grandfather and grandmother clock movements.  Howard Miller was smart enough to recognize the value of the brand equity in Ridgeway Clocks, which has both such a rich history and loyal following, that the Ridgeway Clock name was kept, in essence, as a separate product or model line for Howard Miller Clocks.

Here are some of the more popular Howard Miller Clock and Ridgeway Clocks Curio Grandfather Clocks:

Howard Miller Majestic Grandfather Clock

Howard Miller Majestic II Grandfather Clock

Ridgeway Decorah Curio Grandfather Clock

Ridgeway Richardson I Curio Grandfather Clock

Ridgeway Richardson II Curio Grandfather Clock

Most all of these clocks have 8 day mechanical movements made in Germany, and have at least the Westminster Chime as well, with some models having additional chimes from which to choose.  Additional special features, like a working rotating moonphase dial , automatic nighttime shutoff, and chime-silence options are also included on many of these curio floor clocks.  These clocks also make wonderful wedding gifts and anniversary presents, when one has a very special milestone, with the wedding presents usually coming from parents, and the anniversary gifts coming as frequently from “the children” as they do from one of the spouses.  We also sell many of our grandfather clocks on eBay, and offer zero percent financing for varying length, up to 18 months, for qualifying customers.

Clicking on the links to the right of each picture will take one to the product page describing each of the Curio Grandfather Clocks in greater detail.  We welcome any and all inquires from anyone who is thinking about purchasing one of these clocks, or wants to have a more basic understanding of the differences between different models and makers.  There are other Curio Grandfather Clocks out there, some of which we sell as well, including those by Hermle Clocks, and we are pleased to take the time to discuss with any serious customer the pros and cons of different makers and models.  We also know grandfather clock shoppers are always looking for grandfather clock discounts and the best deal or grandfather clocks on sale.  We sometimes offer unadvertised grandfather clocks discounts and specials in our Store.  Always feel free to cal us to inquire.

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