Modern Love Podcast: Was It Me or Our Astrology?

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Modern Love Podcast: Was It Me or Our Astrology?

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“I had always pitied the desperate fools targeted by those ads. Now it seemed the desperate fool was me.”

Brian Rea

“Love life not working out? Health problems? Everything going wrong?”

Amisha Patel used to be skeptical of astrological services that offered claims about the future. Her parents, who immigrated to the U.S. from India, would make annual trips back to Gujarat. When they returned to their New Jersey home, they would share predictions from Hindu astrologers about the fates of their children.

“I found my parents’ belief in fate unnerving and un-American,” Amisha wrote in her Modern Love essay. But in her late 20s, she began to embrace the notion of destiny as it relates to love and other experiences in her life.

Could it be that all paths lead to the same ending? We asked Amisha where she stands now.

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Amisha at her home in New York City in 2021, reading from a horoscope that was made for her in India in 2011. 

Ami Sheth

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    Amisha at her home in New York City in 2021, reading from a horoscope that was made for her in India in 2011. 

    Ami Sheth

Hosted by: Daniel Jones and Miya Lee
Produced by: Julia Botero and Tina Antolini
Edited by: Sara Sarasohn
Executive Producer: Wendy Dorr
Music by: Dan Powell
Mixed by: Corey Schreppel
Narrated by: Soneela Nankani
Special thanks: Julia Simon, Mahima Chablani, Bonnie Wertheim, Anya Strzemien, Joanna Nikas, Choire Sicha, Lisa Tobin, Sam Dolnick and Ryan Wegner at Audm.

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