
October 7, 2013

Grandfather Clocks History Past-Present

Some grandfather clock history and clocks history never gets old.  Just look at the stories of Simon Willard, Aaron Willard and Benjamin Willard.  An article written […]
July 9, 2013

Grandfather Clock Repair in California

At 1-800-4CLOCKS, we get requests not only from all over the USA, but also from around the world, regarding where individuals and organizations should go to […]
June 10, 2013

Clock Collecting Across Generations

I’m also pleasantly surprised that my daughter and son have shown some interest in clocks as well.  Initially they had not shown much interest in the […]
June 4, 2013

Clocks Index

Consumers of all industrial and personal use items have heard of and to some degree follow the Consumer Confidence Index.  People on Wall Street and Economists […]
May 20, 2013

Granfather Clocks

The most common misspelling by far of grandfather clocks is granfatherclocks.  So much so there is even an online grandfather clocks store called granfatherclocksonline dot com.  […]
May 16, 2013

Grandfather Clock Buying Guide

We like to think of our 2 blogs and this blog as the ultimate guide to comparing grandfather clock brands and THE Grandfather Clock […]
May 8, 2013

Tick Tock Tick Tock

How loud is the ticking sound of the grandfather clock?  Do you have any clocks that make less of a sound?  Do any of your grandfather […]
May 5, 2013

Grandfather Clock Made in USA

Grandfather Clock shoppers, like clocks shoppers in general, are increasingly focused on where grandfather clock cases, grandfather clock movements and other parts are made, as in […]
May 4, 2013

Pendulum Clocks

Most all mechanical new and antique clocks, including a basic cable-driven or chain-driven grandfather clock, have a movement that is driven importantly by a pendulum swinging […]
May 2, 2013

Hermle Grandfather Clocks

Hermle Clocks is one of the finest makers of Floor Clocks, with the Hermle Grandfather Clocks Collection.  Hermle is a German company that has been making […]