Some grandfather clock history and clocks history never gets old. Just look at the stories of Simon Willard, Aaron Willard and Benjamin Willard. An article written […]
At 1-800-4CLOCKS, we get requests not only from all over the USA, but also from around the world, regarding where individuals and organizations should go to […]
I’m also pleasantly surprised that my daughter and son have shown some interest in clocks as well. Initially they had not shown much interest in the […]
Consumers of all industrial and personal use items have heard of and to some degree follow the Consumer Confidence Index. People on Wall Street and Economists […]
The most common misspelling by far of grandfather clocks is granfatherclocks. So much so there is even an online grandfather clocks store called granfatherclocksonline dot com. […]
We like to think of our 2 blogs and this blog as the ultimate guide to comparing grandfather clock brands and THE Grandfather Clock […]
Grandfather Clock shoppers, like clocks shoppers in general, are increasingly focused on where grandfather clock cases, grandfather clock movements and other parts are made, as in […]
Most all mechanical new and antique clocks, including a basic cable-driven or chain-driven grandfather clock, have a movement that is driven importantly by a pendulum swinging […]
Hermle Clocks is one of the finest makers of Floor Clocks, with the Hermle Grandfather Clocks Collection. Hermle is a German company that has been making […]