October 16, 2020

When The Stars Are Out of Alignment

Welcome. I can’t see a lot of stars from my house; the light pollution of New York City obscures all but the brightest ones. Whenever I […]
October 16, 2020

Modern Love: He Married a Sociopath. Me.

My husband was trying to tell me I was “the only one” for him. “Don’t lie to a liar,” I said. It wasn’t a very romantic […]
October 16, 2020

'Inshallah': The Perfect Phrase for 2020

When Joseph R. Biden Jr. dropped the Arabic phrase “inshallah” in the first presidential debate last month, Muslim Twitter lost it. Inshallah, which means “if god […]
October 16, 2020

Help! My Kids Don't Want to Go Outside

Last March, when Odyscea Kian, an at-home mother in Gainesville, Fla., began warning her eight-year-old son, Roman, about a contagious and potentially deadly new virus, he […]
October 15, 2020

We Watched It All: Fashion Week in Quarantine

We Watched It All: Fashion Week in Quarantine Two Styles reporters look back on the fashion season that was. Spoiler: It was weirder than usual. By […]
October 15, 2020

Amy Coney Barrett's Confirmation Hearing Style: What It Means

Almost as soon as Judge Amy Coney Barrett stepped onto the public stage at the largely unmasked Rose Garden ceremony in which President Trump introduced her […]
October 15, 2020

Barry Manilow’s Bubble and a House of Whimsy

With the New York charity scene on hiatus, here is how some patrons and society figures are spending their time and resources during the pandemic. Diane […]
October 15, 2020

We Watched It All:

We Watched It All: Fashion Week in Quarantine Two Styles reporters look back on the fashion season that was. Spoiler: It was weirder than usual. By […]
October 15, 2020

People Are Planning to Dress as Postal Workers for Halloween

In early September Marlene Rivera, a photographer in Houston, made an announcement on Twitter. “Ladies we are no longer dressing up as sexy cops,” she wrote. […]
October 14, 2020

What Does It Smell Like Where You Are?

Welcome. Typically, when it begins to get cold in New York City, the subways fill up. Those who, like me, have been cycling or walking for […]
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