
February 1, 2011

German Cuckoo Clocks

We think we are being crystal clear both when describing our mechanical grandfather clocks as well as our German cuckoo clocks made by Schneider Clocks.  All […]
January 28, 2011

Mystery Grandfather Clock, on a Sandbar

Perhaps you have read over the last day or two about a Baby Grand Piano that was mysteriously found floating but grounded on a sandbar in […]
January 19, 2011

Howard Miller Floor Clock Collection

The terms Floor Clocks is essentially synonymous with grandfather clocks and grandmother clocks.  Longcase clocks, as they are also known, have a free standing case, with […]
January 13, 2011

Grandfather Clock Care

In the last 24 hours, this writer has talked with 2 different customers who were grandfather clock shopping, looking at new grandfather clocks.  They both had […]
December 15, 2010

Moving Grandfather Clock Gift Story

Here below is an actual letter we at received from a grandfather clocks customer who recently purchased a really nice cable-driven Howard Miller grandfather clock […]
December 10, 2010

Custom Grandfather Clock

We at get many requests for varying forms of customization of grandfather clocks.  Some are easy, such as adding a engraved brass plaque strategically placed […]
December 6, 2010

Grandfather Clocks Deals

Well, on some of our popular models of Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks and a Hermle Grandfather Clock, we have lowered our prices yet again.  We are […]
December 2, 2010

Grandfather Clock Showroom

How many grandfather clocks do you display in your showroom?  Will I see the complete line of Howard Miller grandfather clocks and Ridgeway grandfather clocks when […]
November 30, 2010

Grandfather Clocks 50% Off One Time Special Promotion

Until these specific and wonderful Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks and Hermle Grandfather Clock Models run out or year-end, whichever comes first, we are offering discounts on […]
November 28, 2010

Cheap Grandfather Clocks

Especially during this time of year, with Black Friday having just passed, and Cyber Monday rapidly approaching, many customers have grandfather clocks discounts and bargains at […]
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