June 5, 2008

Grandfather Clocks: Gift Giving Across the Miles

With the world being the way that it is, there are many of us who are separated from our families and loved ones by many miles. […]
June 3, 2008

Grandfather Clocks Offer a First Impression

Most homeowners look for ways to provide their homes with something called “curb appeal” – referring to the first look (and ultimate impression) that a visitor […]
June 2, 2008

Grandfather Clocks Mark the Passage of Time in More Ways Than One

Clocks are one of the oldest human inventions in existence; a way that we have always told time throughout the generations. Initially, because of this role […]
May 28, 2008

Grandfather Clocks: Don’t Sacrifice Quality for Price

There are those high-end items for which we expect superior quality; equally, we expect to pay a certain amount for that quality, considering it in investment […]
May 15, 2008

Grandfather Clocks for Father’s Day

With Father’s Day upon us we will all soon be scrambling to come up with the perfect gift for our fathers and grandfathers that will accurately […]
May 15, 2008

Grandfather Clocks in Vacation Homes

There are those of us who are lucky enough to own a home and then those of us who are lucky enough to own a home […]
May 14, 2008

Grandfather Clocks Provide Lovely Décor for a Home Business

There are a great many of us who are choosing to work from home these days; the economy, the price of gas, and the corporate world’s […]
May 10, 2008

Grandfather Clocks Bring History to Life

There are many ways to infuse a modern home with unique style and personality; and one of the ways to accomplish this is through the use […]
May 9, 2008

A Grandfather Clock Purchase after a Remodel

Remodeling a home has become the ultimate pastime in this country; a process through which we are led with the help of television shows, magazines, and […]
May 7, 2008

Starting Over with Grandfather Clocks

Housing prices continue to skyrocket – along with fuel prices, food prices, and the general cost of living. It is simply becoming more and more difficult […]
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