Modern Love: The Modern Love Podcast: Tituss Burgess Reads ‘A Prince Charming for the Prom (Not Ever After, Though)’

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Modern Love: The Modern Love Podcast: Tituss Burgess Reads ‘A Prince Charming for the Prom (Not Ever After, Though)’

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Modern Love


In this episode of Modern Love: The Podcast, the actor Tituss Burgess (“Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt,” “30 Rock”) reads the essay “A Prince Charming for the Prom (Not Ever After, Though),” about a gay student who forgoes the prom of his dreams to help his female friends realize theirs.

You can listen using the player above, or find the episode on iTunes and Google Play Music.

The essay was written by Frank Paiva in 2005 during his senior year of high school. Today he lives in New York, where he is a writer, actor and tour guide. You can find Mr. Paiva on Twitter.

Mr. Burgess plays Titus Andromedon on the Netflix original series “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.” Even if you haven’t seen the show, you may recognize him from this video. He’s also on Twitter and Instagram.

A conversation between the Modern Love editor Dan Jones and Mr. Paiva follows the reading.

You can see Modern Love Live at the Town Hall in Manhattan on Oct. 20.

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