Starting from Scratch with Grandfather Clocks, Part II

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In the last post I related the story of my friends who had recently completed their new construction home. Having been successful in creating a home that truly showcased their personalities, it was important to them to see the project all the way through by continuing to infuse their style into the home through the décor. While the more casual rooms in the home came easily to them – and they were able to use furniture, paint, and accessory pieces such as mantel clocks and wall clocks to realize their French country design theme – the more formal rooms in the home were a bit more difficult.

In fact, the greatest difficulty came with trying to decorate a room in their home that was dedicated as a library. While this would typically be a more formal place in which to gather, the library in this case was intended for a more casual, welcoming room; but one that was still decorated in a more sophisticated style than the rest of the home.

How would the homeowners achieve a balance between comfort and sophistication? With a grandfather clock.

Grandfather clocks are typically associated with highly sophisticated pieces; this more than likely dates back to their origins when only the wealthiest of homeowners could afford to have a grandfather clock in their home. Today, with the variety of materials being used to craft grandfather clocks of all kinds, homeowners are able to have their cake and eat it too – sophisticated pieces in their homes that are both regal and welcoming.

With a grandfather clock in their library, my friends were able to achieve their desired results – a room that was both refined and extremely welcoming and comfortable.

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Starting from Scratch with Grandfather Clocks, Part I
September 4, 2008
Grandfather Clocks for the Next Generation
September 5, 2008