Jewel, the singer-songwriter, has four pieces of advice when dealing with anxiety: “One is: turn off the news,” she said. “Two is: watch what the environment […]
Jewel, the singer-songwriter, has four pieces of advice when dealing with anxiety: “One is: turn off the news,” she said. “Two is: watch what the environment […]
The average person’s mind wanders 47 percent of the time, according to a 2010 Harvard study, so nearly half the time you’re doing one thing, you’re […]
On Sunday, close to 1,000 people gathered in Brooklyn at Herbert Von King Park to collectively meditate. The last moments were dedicated to remembering the excruciating […]
After being holed up indoors for an extended period of time, perhaps you’re feeling the itch to peer outside: to explore the world beyond the radius […]
In a few short months, the Covid-19 pandemic has shut down movie sets, stopped global concert tours and pushed famous names to the sidelines. And it […]
We have never experienced a lockdown like this. Public and personal spaces have been transformed almost overnight. With so many new rules to follow, it’s understandable […]
Many people spend their nights now tossing and turning, struggling to unglue from the constant scroll of coronavirus news updates. But, while there is no body […]