Authors draw on records and personal descriptions to illuminate brands’ approaches to creativity. Is jewelry storytelling entering an age of authenticity? From social media to reality […]
“Roughing the Princess,” an erotic e-book inspired by an actual relationship, veered too close to reality for many of Taylor Swift’s fans. She’s a beloved blonde […]
Julia Botero, Christina Djossa and Dan Powell, Pat McCusker, Diane Wong and Listen and follow Modern LoveApple Podcasts | Spotify ‘We both knew I would never choose a man […]
Hordes of young adults in North America are embracing joy and childhood nostalgia with Miffy, a poker-faced, fictional, Dutch bunny. Three years ago, Nancy Miah had […]
In her nifty “Intimate History of How We Keep Things Close,” Hannah Carlson unbuttons the politics behind who gets to hide their belongings, and where. POCKETS: […]