BEIRUT, Lebanon — When the disruptive threat of the coronavirus first came for Beirut, I was, appropriately enough, in a local bar. When a friend and […]
Imagine that you are a member of the expert class — the kind of person invited to pontificate on television news programs. Under normal circumstances, your […]
Macy’s, one of the biggest department store chains in the United States, announced an ambitious plan on Thursday to reopen all of its 775 locations, including […]
“I’ve gone full Victorian,” said Rhian Rees, 34, of flower pressing, a childhood hobby she’s rediscovered in quarantine. “It feels like we’re back in the old […]
Sometimes the arguments take place on the street. More often, they appear to occur in a supermarket. One New Yorker, seemingly blasé about social distancing, gets […]
This is the time of year when, in the normal course of 21st-century events, an army of stylists, makeup artists, florists, designers and celebrities would be […]
Mountains, clouds, shadows receding; a few minutes of pencil on paper and John had caught the moment’s essence while the rest of us scrabbled to take […]