A procession of teenagers with hard-faced stares strutted through an evening rain during a small fashion show in Lower Manhattan, causing a mixture of delight and […]
The show’s costume designer, Michelle Matland, explained why she always starts “at the bottom.” Followers of the Styles desk’s discussions about the clothes worn on “Succession” […]
The long, spangly relationship between the singer and Bob Mackie. The cardinal rule of dressing Tina Turner, the designer and costumer Bob Mackie said Wednesday night, […]
With an eye to the Kennedys, and the Trumps. Sometimes, a wardrobe is a strategy. Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida has finally, officially, entered the presidential […]
Button-up shirts can be tucked, untucked, half-tucked or French tucked. A reader wonders where to begin. Lately I’ve seen an explosion of half-tucked button-up shirts. How […]
Button-up shirts can be tucked, untucked, half-tucked or French tucked. A reader wonders where to begin. Lately I’ve seen an explosion of half-tucked button-up shirts. How […]
Marcia looks “chic” for the funeral, and Matsson follows decorum for once, but the wives and mistresses steal the show. This article contains spoilers for Episode […]
Credit the show’s star and creator, Jason Sudeikis, a real-life sneakerhead who owns about 250 pairs. There’s a reason that Ted Lasso, the fictional, sunny, mustachioed […]
How consumers became obsessed with fashion collaborations, courtesy of the Swedish mall staple. The year is 2015. The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of same-sex […]
How consumers became obsessed with fashion collaborations, courtesy of the Swedish mall staple. The year is 2015. The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of same-sex […]