A perfect storm of internet fashion trends — and Halloween — has resurrected a Y2K-era Versace dress. At least, for now. A funny thing happened on Nov. […]
At Victoria Yards in Johannesburg, artists, designers and makers of sorbet and spirits draw from their surroundings to create their products. “When I first saw it, […]
Die-hards and confused pedestrians alike vied for a first look at Gucci and Balenciaga’s “hacker” project. On Monday, several customers stepped into the Balenciaga store on […]
Die-hards and confused pedestrians alike vied for a first look at Gucci and Balenciaga’s “hacker” project. On Monday, several customers stepped into the Balenciaga store on […]
A new book examines how Black civil rights leaders, jazzmen, artists and writers rewrote the sartorial codes of a largely white elite. It is a rare […]
Trading buzzwords, talking circularity and grappling with the role of clothes in the climate crisis. The first time fashion got anywhere near an official United Nations […]
The Rodarte designers on creating costumes for the sequel to the animated film “Sing.” What should an animated elephant, anthropomorphized as a shy teenage girl with […]
A reader asks for guidance on finding glamorous loungewear. Around Christmas and New Year’s, my husband and I enjoy watching films from the 1930s and ’40s. […]
Beyond their global appeal, the iconic outfits from “Squid Game” reveal a link to the history and culture of South Korea. The dystopic, fantastical show “Squid […]
The same woman who stars as the embodiment of poverty in Netflix’s “Maid” is a brand ambassador for one of the world’s largest luxury companies. How […]