Unbuttoned By VANESSA FRIEDMAN There has been much ado over the past few months about the declarations of fashion designers regarding the current administration, but they […]
Vanessa Friedman ON THE RUNWAY The National Assembly of France decided last week, like earlier decisions in the House of Commons in Britain and the House […]
Vanessa Friedman ON THE RUNWAY The second European outreach tour by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, which took place this week in Poland and Germany, […]
Kenneth Jay Lane, the designer and bon vivant who built a global business from glittering acts of unabashed deception, producing fake and junk jewelry — or, […]
Most famous of the quips attributed to the Austrian-born American designer Rudi Gernreich — now best remembered for his unisex creations and the topless bathing suit […]
When news broke last week that Colette, the pacesetting Parisian concept store that started numerous designers’ careers and helped change the face of retail, would close […]
Party Coverage: Scene City By MAX BERLINGER Immediately after Todd Snyder’s runway show on Monday night, which opened the latest iteration of New York Fashion Week: […]
Vanessa Friedman ON THE RUNWAY Yet another luxury brand has decided to tackle the knotty problem of wearables. The latest gladiator to take on the challenge […]