Watching the third installment of the cult-favorite dance film, with an enthusiastic crowd free to hoot and holler as much as they desired. Excitement had been […]
The campaign on behalf of Andrea Riseborough is the latest to provoke controversy, but it’s hardly the most memorable. When the actress Andrea Riseborough wrapped a […]
In a new memoir, a longtime casting director revels in memories of a bygone Hollywood, matching actors with the roles that made them stars. Stop to consider the […]
The movie’s three-hour-plus run time, which includes scene after scene of churning seas, is a recipe for repeated bathroom breaks. Alex Brizard deliberately did not buy […]
William Strobeck brings rare intimacy to his skateboarding films. His latest, “Play Dead,” with Supreme, chronicles some of the sport’s biggest talents. Only one film played […]
How a movie released before the iMac became a mainstay of internet culture. Katee Forbis often encounters a GIF on social media that shows a white-haired […]