Well Said: Elsa Schiaparelli called architecture America’s greatest gift

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Well Said: Elsa Schiaparelli called architecture America’s greatest gift

Well Said: “Architecture is the greatest thing America has given to the world artistically, and I believe that, in due time, you will evolve a couture of your own whose styles will bear the same stamp of originality and beauty that your buildings hav...

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Well Said:
“Architecture is the greatest thing America has given to the world artistically, and I believe that, in due time, you will evolve a couture of your own whose styles will bear the same stamp of originality and beauty that your buildings have.”

So said French fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli (1890–1973) on a trip to New York City in 1933. Schiaparelli’s irreverent genius is on display in the exhibition “Schiaparelli and Prada: Impossible Conversations,” at the Costume Institute of Manhattan’s Metropolitan Museum of Art through August 19.

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