Grandfather Floor Clocks

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We at have observed the interesting trend of individuals much more frequently referring to grandfather clocks as grandfather floor clocks.  This is a term we almost never heard used before, yet we are hearing it lately with some frequency.

Over time, we have had many customers and shoppers in general refer to large wall clocks, the kind that are weight driven, wood, and a visible pendulum, refer to their clocks as grandfather wall clocks, or sometimes simply as grandfather clocks, not realizing that one of the defining features of grandfather clocks is that they can stand by themselves, and another is that they sit on the floor.

Floor clocks is a term used by many manufacturers in place of grandfather clocks.  Clock makers including Ridgeway Clocks, Hermle Clocks, and Howard Miller Clocks seem to prefer the term floor clock to grandfather clock.  It is certainly a popular term amongst grandfather clocks shoppers.  But how did we get from grandfather wall clocks and floor clocks and grandfather clocks to grandfather floor clocks?  Interest evolution in clock terminology, and not one we would endorse as being accurate.  We are not sure the tide has shifted on this, but we would certainly vote for grandfather clocks, floor clocks, tallcase clocks, hall clocks, or longcase clocks.

Our sense is that the term grandfather floor clocks is being used by someone somewhere, perhaps a grandfather clocks retailer, or maybe a grandfather clock manufacturer.  Or perhaps a horological journal, or in media articles or advertisements online or in newspapers, magazines, or general publications, or special interest publications geared to the home decor or office decor or interior decorating markets.

If you have any insight on this topic, please do share it wih us.

In the meantime, we will stick with the terms grandfather clocks, grandmother clocks, floor clocks, hall clocks, as well as the British tallcase and longcase clock terms.

We do know the one thing be can expect and be certain of over time is change.

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Grandfather Clocks as Anniversary Gifts Presents
April 27, 2010
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