New Construction: New Grandfather Clock, Part I

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Summer is here and for many people the warmer weather is the perfect time to make a move. And so, moving trucks are loaded, homes are purchased, and off we go to begin the renovation of another home in order to make it our own. For many of us, there is nothing quite as satisfying as taking a home that has all the potential in the world – but is quite lacking in present benefits – and with some paint, furniture, and a lot of elbow grease – turning into something not only different but really special.

For others, the idea of first having to move and then having to spend all that time renovating sounds like just about the worst thing they can think of to do. New construction holds vast appeal for many people like this, as it allows them to customize the home from the very beginning and make it their very own. There is a cost for this convenience but in the end the homeowner has a turnkey house and there is no money that needs to be spent on renovation.

The problem with new construction then becomes filling the space; as new construction homes are generally a blank slate to which we must then add color to match our own decorative taste. Adding the right color, furniture, art, and accessories to this palette can be challenging to say the least. But by choosing some really great color families, some beautiful pieces of furniture, and some really special accessories we can begin the process of making this new house a home. It’s not necessary to go all out right in the beginning as you will certainly need some time to live in the house and really see and feel what it will need. Instead, just choosing some few special items you can begin to set the stage for dramatic décor. Grandfather clocks can be one of the most perfect items to include in this beginning stage of design.

In the next post, we’ll discuss how grandfather clocks can work wonders in new construction homes.

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Grandfather Clocks: Classic and Contemporary
June 26, 2008
New Construction: New Grandfather Clock, Part II
June 27, 2008