Smart Grandfather Clocks Next

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We could not decide whether to put this post in our Grandfather Clock Blog, or in our Clocks Blog focusing more on Wall Clocks, Mantel Clocks, And Atomic Clocks of all types.   Both of these clocks blogs also focus on wristwatches and pocket watches, including digital timepieces.  So in the end we opted to show off some exciting new technology in the Grandfather Clocks Blog.

This new wrist communication and timepiece device is designed by a company called MetaWatch, and they are referring to this timepiece just below as a smart-watch.  It is supposed to eventually, if not initially, allow access to email, to give current weather and forecasts, to send and receive text messages, and to interact with various other computing features and smarthome control devices, including changing the channels on a television, if we remember correctly.

Smart Time Clock Watch Grandfather Clocks

We would be very interested in hearing about consumer and business reaction to this type of device, as well as whether it could or might somehow be incorporated into a grandfather clock or perhaps a mantle clock.  One unusual use of clocks, which to date we have not sold, is to include cameras in clocks, which can be used either for virtual surveillance or recorded and replayed surveillance.  Some electronics resellers have purchased clocks from us for this use.

We are especially interested in any ideas which might somehow for with a home-based grandmother clock or grandfather clocks.  While to date most all of the digital clocks offered that we sell are Howard Miller Wall Clocks or Hermle Gallery Clocks or Ridgeway Wall Clocks, we have not given up on the concept of digital grandfather clocks and even digital street clocks.   We will soon be offering large LED table clocks and wall clocks, with large numbers and letters in different models, with some showing the day and date.  Some will also feature blue LED time lights in addition to wall clocks feather the more traditional red LED lights.  Atomic LED clocks are not far behind.

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