A Grandfather Clock Makes a Great Holiday or Special Occasion Gift

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On of the most heartwarming trends observed seems to be giving the gift of a grandfather clock on occasions like weddings, special anniversaries, milestone birthdays, retirement gifts (more and more common), and even a gift to oneself in a new point in life or for a new home. Bridal registry requests for grandfather clocks is something we see more and more of as well.

Many people view the grandfather clock as the Heartbeat of the Home, as Ridgeway Grandfather Clocks puts it.  A grandfather clock gift definitely symbolizes a coming of age of a certain type. Thousands of times we have heard of adults talking about their memories of grandfather clocks when they were children, even when the clock was not in their own home, but rather that of a friend, or a grandparent. Grandfather Clocks seem to have an almost hypnotic effect on children, and one which they almost always remember very fondly.

Grandfather Clocks make great heirlooms, to be passed over time from generation to generations. This gift of time is one of the major motivating factors when higher end grandfather clocks are given as presents. Many parents see a gift of a grandfather clock as a tangible something that can be passed to their grandchildren and beyond. Some of our best customers are individuals who are buying grandfather clocks for all of their children when they each reach a certain point in life.

With Christmas and the Holiday Season approaching, many people look to quality grandfather clocks as one of the gifts of a lifetime. In our experience, rarely is a gift more appreciated and actually used and enjoyed for such a long period of time! Gift the gift of time, and Add Time To Your Life®.

Ridgeway Beverly Hills Grandfather Clock R2551
Ridgeway Beverly Hills Grandfather Clock – Model R2511

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  1. […] chimes of the clock. He took as much pleasure in it as we do. Many times we considered purchasing a mantel clock for him as a gift. They lived in a condo so it would have made a very good fit size wise. He has […]

  2. […] is a great post on the Grand Father Clocks Blog: A Grandfather Clock Makes a Great Holiday or Special Occasion Gift. It really made me think and I decided to buy Howard Miller clocks for both sets of my parents. For […]

  3. […] so worth it. This blog posting from the main grandfather clock site about getting a clock as a gift as a heirloom item for home decor and what is special about them. Aside from that one, my favorite brand is the Howard Miller […]

  4. […] Grandfather clocks can be a gift that is like a legacy to be passed from one generation to another. They make great gifts especially for young adults starting out on their own, for couples who are engaged, for newly wed couples, or for people who are new home owners. […]

  5. […] My Mom would LOVE this clock! I’ve heard my Mom mention grandfather clocks for years. She’s never had one. Once she was given a German cuckoo clock as a gift and that ugly thing was on the wall until it died. I saw this clock and immediately thought of her. I know she’d display it right in the formal living room. She loves dark wood, so it would match perfectly. And she loves to display pictures of her grandchildren, and they’d look terrific on the shelves inside this clock. While I was on the 1-800-4clocks.com website I was thinking that it would be great if the four children (me and my three younger brothers) all chipped in and got my parents a grandfather clock for their next milestone anniversary. She would love it if we all worked together to do something nice for her. Great minds must think alike, because I noticed a post on the Grandfather Clocks blog that said they are seeing more and more people giving grandfat…. […]

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