Guests at a Manhattan party for the chronicler of Trump and Murdoch included headline writers and headline makers. Current and former media mavens gathered on Wednesday […]
At the Center for Fiction, the actor was joined by the author Rachel Kushner and the editor Christopher Beha for a panel discussion of Harper’s Magazine’s […]
Join My Wedding allows tourists to purchase tickets to Indian weddings. Some say it’s resulted in meaningful cultural exchange. Others believe selling the experience can be […]
Who would have guessed that the former New York media obsession Julia Allison and the law scholar Noah Feldman would make a great couple? One afternoon […]
In ‘The Book of (More) Delights,’ Ross Gay offers a joyful approach to gardening, with gratitude even for the dandelions. Yes, please. I’ll have another dose […]
Some senators worry that more casual dress might breed disrespect for Congress. Others argue that the harshest critics have already debased the institution, even in business […]
Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words. Embraced by Haiti A man with a charming accent was fixing my uncharming […]
As a boy in Ketchikan, Alaska, Jackson Polys would help his father, the prominent Tlingit artist Nathan Jackson, carve totem poles behind rope stanchions while boatloads […]