When Barry Bordelon and Jordan Slocum connected on Grindr, becoming the Brownstone Boys was not on their bingo card. Just seven months after Barry Brandon Bordelon […]
After the success of MeAndSomebodySon, her Instagram page dedicated to Black romantic relationships, Zemirah Moffett is taking the party offline. Stephanie Ilodi, a 37-year-old nurse practitioner […]
WatchCheck says it can arrange repairs and maintenance for more than 200 brands and 38,700 models. As the founder of Oliver & Clarke, a luxury watch […]
More retail outlets and a new fair add a modern layer on the city’s historic connections to the industry. Manchester is renowned as the world’s first […]
Biver and Chopard are among the houses participating in TimeForArt, a Dec. 7 benefit for the Swiss Institute, an art institution in New York. Pierre Biver, […]
The Cubitus collection begins with three iterations, but additional versions are promised. Is Cubitus the new Nautilus? Since 2021, when Patek Philippe discontinued its best-selling Ref. […]
After all, as one said, ‘It’s not just about knowing what the time is.’ As the watch-collecting community continues to grow, more and more 20-somethings — […]
Some observers say that, as the deadline for European Union reporting nears, brands have lowered the volume on their environmental communications. For the watch industry, the […]
It was the development of the chronograph, essentially a stopwatch, that laid the groundwork for automobile speed limits. If you have ever received a speeding ticket, […]