February 11, 2023

A Guide to Modern Dating Terms

The way we talk about relationships has drastically changed in recent years. Here is a glossary of some of the most popular words and phrases you […]
February 11, 2023

How Multilingual Couples Express Their Love Across Languages

Five couples who speak different languages share how they communicate affection with each other. “How’s your French coming along?” The familiar voice, accompanied by a light […]
February 11, 2023

How Therapy-Speak Took Over Dating

In a time when emotional maturity is highly desirable, almost everyone is “doing the work.” When Lauren Scott was bored, dating became a remedy. It could […]
February 10, 2023

What Are Your Favorite Wedding Songs? We Want to Hear Them.

Creating a great wedding playlist can be a challenging task. So we’re putting one together based on your input. The dance floor is a hallmark of […]
February 10, 2023

Maya Rudolph’s Super Bowl Challenge: Make M&M’s Sweet Again

Unpopular companies and brands in trouble go with a strategy of hiring a likable celebrity and hoping for the best. But they might be better off […]
February 10, 2023

Who’s Rooting for Whom at the Super Bowl?

The Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles will have plenty of celebrities cheering them on. Stars — they’re nothing like us. Except some of them, […]
February 10, 2023

Caviar as a Cheaper Snack, Served on Doritos and Cheese Steaks

The luxurious delicacy is no longer confined to fancy occasions. It’s being served at Super Bowl gatherings, game nights and tailgate parties. Before going home to […]
February 10, 2023

The Best Comes to Those Who Wait (By the Bar)

Angelique Velez Sina and José Cardona Crespo met while ordering post-golf drinks in Puerto Rico. Now they are partners in business, and in life. After finishing […]
February 10, 2023

The Beauty of Expiration-Date Dating

Falling for someone who’s leaving can be surprisingly liberating (and so much fun). “So as a neurology nurse,” Finbar said, “what’s one thing you’ll never do?” […]
February 10, 2023

Cody Ko and Kelsey Kreppel Wed

Cody Kolodziejzyk and Kelsey Kreppel have become famous for podcasting about their lives, but kept their proposal mostly personal — washed-ashore seal carcass and all. In […]
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