October 7, 2020

How We Exercise During a Pandemic

Welcome. In her latest “Phys Ed” column, Gretchen Reynolds wrote of exercise habits during the pandemic. She looked at several recent studies and concluded that our […]
October 7, 2020

New York City Shopping Inches Back. No Store Required.

The city is woollier than it’s been in a while — everyone seems to be crimping the usual boundaries. E-bikes and scooters zip through the middle […]
October 7, 2020

Memories of Homecoming at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Welcome To Homecoming! Welcome To Homecoming! Welcome to Homecoming! At H.B.C.U.s, homecoming is part family reunion and part revival. It’s canceled this year, so let’s celebrate […]
October 7, 2020

‘Baptized in Blackness’: Why Homecoming Is Vital to the Black College Experience

“Let the show begin.” “Homecoming at a historically Black college and university is everything.” “Homecoming itself — it’s like being baptized in Blackness.” “It’s almost a […]
October 7, 2020

The Gender Reveal That Doesn’t

Whatever happened to secondary sex characteristics? You know, those shapes and appendages we develop after puberty as an anatomical signage, an aid to evolution. Kardashians aside, […]
October 7, 2020

The Glorious Absurdity of Paris Fashion

It was the giant floating dachshund spaceship that did it. It drifted over an expansive Art Deco coliseum — site of the 2132 Lunar Games, an […]
October 7, 2020

Get to Know These Black Bridal Designers

Black bridal designers have been at the forefront of innovation in the bridal fashion industry for years, yet many of them have failed to receive the […]
October 6, 2020

Kim Cattrall’s Hamptons Home for De-Stressing From the City

Kim Cattrall, one of the stars of the HBO series “Sex and the City,” is selling her longtime home in East Hampton, N.Y., a beachfront cottage […]
October 5, 2020

The Sunset Strip Stirs Again

Few patches of America have had a greater influence on pop culture than a storied 1.7-mile stretch of Los Angeles, where movie stars, mobsters and musicians […]
October 4, 2020

Here are the Best Animal Livestreams

If you spend hours scrolling through cat videos online, there’s a scientific explanation for why that’s a hard habit to kick: A new study has found […]
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