October 8, 2020

When a Fly Ruins Your Image

It was the accessory that stole the evening. Not the discreet strand of pearls and matching earrings worn by Senator Kamala Harris or the glowing Reagan […]
October 8, 2020

Stella McCartney Had a Question: ‘Why on Earth Would You Be in Fashion?’

This season Stella McCartney eschewed her normal slot during Paris Fashion Week for a slightly later reveal — with a twist. She’s not coming out just […]
October 8, 2020

That Airport Spa? It’s a Coronavirus Testing Clinic

Until recently, XpresSpa was known for offering manicures, pedicures, massages and waxing services at 25 airports in the United States and around the world, where travelers […]
October 8, 2020

Millions of Views and a Gift Truck Later, Nathan Apodaca Keeps the Vibe Going

Nathan Apodaca is here for the good vibes. About 8 a.m. on Sept. 25, his 2005 Dodge Durango’s battery cut out as he was trying to […]
October 7, 2020

How We Exercise During a Pandemic

Welcome. In her latest “Phys Ed” column, Gretchen Reynolds wrote of exercise habits during the pandemic. She looked at several recent studies and concluded that our […]
October 7, 2020

New York City Shopping Inches Back. No Store Required.

The city is woollier than it’s been in a while — everyone seems to be crimping the usual boundaries. E-bikes and scooters zip through the middle […]
October 7, 2020

Memories of Homecoming at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Welcome To Homecoming! Welcome To Homecoming! Welcome to Homecoming! At H.B.C.U.s, homecoming is part family reunion and part revival. It’s canceled this year, so let’s celebrate […]
October 7, 2020

‘Baptized in Blackness’: Why Homecoming Is Vital to the Black College Experience

“Let the show begin.” “Homecoming at a historically Black college and university is everything.” “Homecoming itself — it’s like being baptized in Blackness.” “It’s almost a […]
October 7, 2020

The Gender Reveal That Doesn’t

Whatever happened to secondary sex characteristics? You know, those shapes and appendages we develop after puberty as an anatomical signage, an aid to evolution. Kardashians aside, […]
October 7, 2020

The Glorious Absurdity of Paris Fashion

It was the giant floating dachshund spaceship that did it. It drifted over an expansive Art Deco coliseum — site of the 2132 Lunar Games, an […]
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