November 1, 2010

Understated Beauty

(Slide Show) A Pale Palette and Subtle Details in the Hamptons
November 1, 2010

Ski-Country Homes

(Slide Show) Architectural Digest editors showcase a group of remarkable homes nestled near the slopes
November 1, 2010

Celebrity Collections

(Slide Show) From Lance Armstrong’s Tour de France jerseys to Martin Scorsese’s vintage movie posters, we take a look at the prized possessions of world-famous figures
October 31, 2010

30 Designer Secrets in 30 Days

AD 100 Designers share their ideas on on what goes into a stylish, well-crafted home, from tips on color and fabric to advice on how to properly light a room and what is essential for every kitchen
October 30, 2010

Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks Selection

As most online grandfather clock shoppers know, Howard Miller is both the largest maker of grandfather clocks, not only in the USA but also worldwide, and […]
October 30, 2010

Bulova Exiting Grandfather Clocks Business

Bulova Clocks, known informally both as the Bulova Clock Company and Bulova Watch Company, has pretty much exited the grandfather clocks marketplace. We are deeply disappointed […]
October 28, 2010

J Howard Miller Herman Miller Howard Miller

Many people in the grandfather clocks world and the office furniture wold know full well know full well the histories and achievements of both Herman Miller […]
October 21, 2010

Like Clockwork Grandfather Clocks

As an admirer of precision grandfather clocks, including astro-regulators, I was struck that on the day after the world’s newest longest tunnel, beneath the Swiss Alps, […]
October 9, 2010

Largest Grandfather Clock Company in the World

Do you know who the largest maker of grandfather clocks is in the world?  It is Howard Miller Clocks, based in Zeeland, Michigan.  Howard Miller has […]
October 4, 2010

Grandfather Clocks in Every Pot

While this may sound absurd simply on the face of it, please read on (and then feel free to still think this idea is absurd). Everybody […]
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