November 12, 2008

Grandfather Clock in background, President Bush calls to Congratulate President-Elect Obama

Not too late into the night of November 4, 2008, and shortly after Senator John McCain conceded defeat, President George W Bush called the newly victorious […]
November 1, 2008

Time to Reevaluate Grandfather Clocks

In this difficult global economic climate, money and spending it is on the minds of consumers more so than it has been in the last 20 […]
October 28, 2008

When Only a Grandfather Clock Will Do

There are those spaces in all of our homes that call out for something very specific; something very particular that is the only thing that will […]
October 27, 2008

Grandfather Clock Shopping with my Grandfather

Before I moved into my new home with my new husband, I had quite a lot of preparation to do. Prior to this home, we had […]
October 26, 2008

The Grandfather Clock of My Dreams

I have had a recurring dream for many years now; in the dream I am on a swing that keeps going higher and higher until I […]
October 23, 2008

Grandfather Clock for Baby, Part II

As I shared in the last post, the time during which I gave birth to my first daughter was a time filled with excitement and trepidation […]
October 23, 2008

Grandfather Clock for Baby, Part I

When I was expecting my first daughter I was like most new parents-to-be in that I was running around like crazy putting things in place for […]
October 18, 2008

You Never Grow Out of Grandfather Clocks

If you have been in your own place for even a few years you have undoubtedly discovered that what you thought was really fun in terms […]
October 17, 2008

Remembering Grandfather Clocks, Part II

In the last post I related my story of my close friend who – along with her sister – was charged with cleaning out her parents’ […]
October 16, 2008

Remembering Grandfather Clocks, Part I

A very close friend of mine recently lost both of her parents within a span of eight weeks. It was absolutely horrific and something that no […]
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