September 26, 2008

Town & Country Grandfather Clocks, Part II

In the last post I began to talk about how my husband and I have satisfied our love for the country and the city respectively by […]
September 26, 2008

Town & Country Grandfather Clocks, Part I

Remember that song where she was a little more country and he was a little more rock n’ roll? That for sure describes me and my […]
September 23, 2008

Traditional Still Shines with Grandfather Clocks

Trends change with the wind; just when something becomes popular it’s gone again with something new and improved replacing it. It’s hard to keep up. And […]
September 23, 2008

Making a Grandfather Clock Center Stage

In the home where I spent the last fifteen years it was all small spaces and tight corners; it was a great starter home but three […]
September 19, 2008

Taking Grandfather Clocks Underground

Recently I moved into a single family home; which may not seem like a big deal to some people but for me, who grew up in […]
September 19, 2008

Getting Creative with Grandfather Clocks

I am an interior designer and as such I work in many, many homes and for many different kinds of clients. This means that one day […]
September 18, 2008

The Love for a Grandfather Clock

Did you ever love an inanimate object so much that it may as well be human? A stuffed animal when you were a child, perhaps? A […]
September 15, 2008

Grandfather Clocks in All Season Rooms

Many homeowners choose to expand their home with all season rooms – allowing them to increase their living space and add value to their home. All […]
September 12, 2008

Grandfather Clocks In Condos

Those who live in condominiums often love the experience; they appreciate the maintenance free living, the one floor living space, and access to community amenities. In […]
September 12, 2008

Plan for the Holidays with Grandfather Clocks

I don’t know about you, but every year around this time I already start to feel the pressure of the holiday season. It may certainly seem […]
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