June 13, 2008

Fill a Room with a Grandfather Clock

Whether you are working with a small room or a large room, the effort to design a room effectively – to make the best use of […]
June 13, 2008

Grandfather Clocks: Big Things Come in Big Packages

Our society is in such a trend towards downsizing and simplifying that our stuff just seems to get smaller and smaller. Those design elements that used […]
June 12, 2008

Grandfather Clocks Welcome the Hour

The passing of time is simply something to which we don’t pay much attention – unless of course we need more time than we have at […]
June 11, 2008

Grandfather Clocks: What Was Old is New Again

There are those products that – because of their high quality and overall popularity – tend to come back around again year after year. The result […]
June 9, 2008

Grandfather Clocks Come In All Designs

Invariably when most of us think of grandfather clocks we think of the staid and traditional clocks of yesteryear; the ones that perhaps sat amidst our […]
June 6, 2008

Grandfather Clocks Open Up a Cluttered Space

There are those rooms in any home that tend to be the catch-all of clutter; that collect the evidence of a day – backpacks, coats, papers […]
June 5, 2008

Grandfather Clocks: Gift Giving Across the Miles

With the world being the way that it is, there are many of us who are separated from our families and loved ones by many miles. […]
June 3, 2008

Grandfather Clocks Offer a First Impression

Most homeowners look for ways to provide their homes with something called “curb appeal” – referring to the first look (and ultimate impression) that a visitor […]
June 2, 2008

Grandfather Clocks Mark the Passage of Time in More Ways Than One

Clocks are one of the oldest human inventions in existence; a way that we have always told time throughout the generations. Initially, because of this role […]
May 31, 2008

Grandfather Clocks Strikes a Chord

There are many reasons why we choose the pieces that are in our home; our decision to choose certain pieces of furniture, artwork and decorative items, […]
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