Jannah Handy and Kiyanna Stewart met 10 years ago through Rutgers University and quickly bonded after realizing that they had grown up around the corner from […]
Durante décadas, Oprah Winfrey ha estado al centro de las conversaciones en Estados Unidos sobre los prejuicios contra el peso y las dietas. Ahora, regresa al […]
Welcome to Miami, where sidewalks seem like catwalks when the art world arrives for annual fairs in December. As Art Basel Miami Beach and the larger […]
Ms. Winfrey has spent decades as a dominant figure in the country’s conversations about weight bias and dieting. In 1988, Oprah Winfrey tugged a red wagon […]
Some kids are getting more sophisticated with their holiday gift decks, creating a vibe that’s more sales pitch than Santa. Every year, Michelle Miller-McNair asks her […]
The legend of Giants quarterback Tommy DeVito continued to grow, but it was his sharp-dressed agent, Sean Stellato, who had his own star turn on Monday […]