Before Cheslie Kryst was crowned Miss USA in May, she was a lawyer in Charlotte, N.C. In keeping with pageant rules, she moved to Manhattan. Although […]
Who celebrates her 52nd wedding anniversary and then, six months later, files for divorce? Me, it seems. And I’m not alone. Divorce rates for people 50 […]
Last month, Andreas Valentin, a 66-year-old professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, traveled more than 6,000 miles from Brazil to Berlin to participate […]
In early November, teenagers across America were sent into a frenzy over makeup. Two popular YouTubers with tens of millions of followers between them had been […]
The people at Pantone know that times are hard. “Many of us,” the color company said in a recent presentation, feel anxious, “completely overloaded and perpetually […]
Man About Town, an independent but increasingly influential fashion magazine that publishes twice a year, shows nearly as much skin as it does clothing. In one […]
PIETRASANTA, Italy — Franco Cervietti carved his first full-size copy of Michelangelo’s “David” when he was 29. He would sculpt the 17-foot-tall masterpiece five more times […]