October 22, 2011

Grandfather Clocks Oak Cherry Mahogany

What if you actually gave customers a choice of ordering the very same grandfather clock model, but in either solid oak, solid cherry or solid mahogany.  […]
October 9, 2011

Grandfather Clocks Made in America

1-800-4CLOCKS.com has always carried only what it considers to be the highest quality grandfather clocks, the large majority of which have high-grade German mechanical movements.  While […]
October 2, 2011

Grandfather Clocks Information

Helpful clock information about grandfather clock types, whether researching antique grandfather clocks, or trying to get on a great deal and understand which are the best […]
September 14, 2011

1-800-4CLOCKS Grandfather Clocks Brand

Here is a grandfather clock question which is weighing heavily on our minds as a major retailer of grandfather clocks.  We very much want the input […]
August 27, 2011

Grandfather Clock History Revisited

The history of grandfather clocks is something we have written a lot about, both in this Blog and on our main website 1-800-4CLOCKS.com.  The grandfather clock, […]
August 18, 2011

World’s New Largest Clock

Earlier this month, Saudi Arabia, in the Holy City of Mecca, has introduced the newest largest tower clock in the world, larger even than England’s 4 […]
August 8, 2011

Grandfather Clocks on eBay

When purchasing a grandfather clock or grandmother clock, especially when looking online vs. an an bricks and mortar Retail location, one faces a dizzying array of […]
June 29, 2011

Wedding Presents for Gay and Lesbian Couples in New York

Well, as most readers of this Blog already know, gay marriage has been approved in New York State, the largest such State to change its laws […]
June 22, 2011

Grandfather Clocks Review

Well the adage that no good deed goes unpunished, whether it be with grandfather clocks or life in general, was actually disproved today.  1-800-4CLOCKS.com, one of […]
June 4, 2011

Grandfather Clocks Value

What is the value of my grandfather clock?  This is one of the most frequently asked questions, or FAQs, we receive, particularly by telephone.  More often […]
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