May 5, 2011

Antique Grandfather Clock Prices

Should a prospective grandfather clocks shopper who is considering purchasing either a new grandfather clocks or perhaps a special antique grandfather clock spotted at a local […]
April 23, 2011

Grandfather Clock Diagram

When trying to both understand and name the visible parts of a grandfather clock, many individuals do not know where to begin. Most people know that […]
April 4, 2011

Used Grandfather Clocks

Should one purchase a new grandfather clock?  What about a so-called used antique grandfather clock.  Antique grandfather clocks are used grandfather clocks, are they not?  Are […]
March 24, 2011

Black Forest Grandfather Clocks

When one thinks about buying one the best types of grandfather clocks available, the term black forest grandfather clocks frequently leaps to mind.  The Black Forest […]
March 17, 2011

Amazing Fact for Grandfather Clocks Lovers

Here is a fascinating fact that was shared with us today by ESL of New York City, attributed to an iPhone App called Amazing Facts, about […]
March 1, 2011

Grandfather Clock Howard Miller

Which grandfather clocks are the best? Who is considered the highest-end manufacturer of grandfather clocks?  Is there a big difference between brands?  What about German mechanical […]
February 20, 2011

Grandfather Clocks Antique

When shopping for a grandfather clock, most grandfather clocks shoppers look only at brand new floor clocks, recognizing that if they purchase a high quality grandfather […]
February 4, 2011

Sligh Bulova Grandfather Clocks

Press Release.  We have some exciting grandfather clocks news to report.  As background, the Sligh Furniture Company stopped making Sligh Grandfather Clocks perhaps 6 to 8 […]
February 1, 2011

German Cuckoo Clocks

We think we are being crystal clear both when describing our mechanical grandfather clocks as well as our German cuckoo clocks made by Schneider Clocks.  All […]
January 28, 2011

Mystery Grandfather Clock, on a Sandbar

Perhaps you have read over the last day or two about a Baby Grand Piano that was mysteriously found floating but grounded on a sandbar in […]
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