More than two decades after they first met, the R&B singer announced her pregnancy and engagement to the rapper. Fans rejoiced. Sometimes the love of your […]
After three years of marriage and a lavish wedding attended by Anya Taylor-Joy, Nancy Pelosi and Olivia Rodrigo, the oil heiress is seeking a divorce from […]
In the 1980s and ’90s, Dafydd Jones’s party shots captured Manhattan’s rich and powerful. Nine years ago, while recovering from a serious health crisis, the British […]
Blingy Crocs, punk Uggs and spangled sneakers, oh my. Two truths: Fashion has long been enamored by the “ugly shoe.” Balenciaga made chunky dad sneakers; Gucci […]
In a time when the headlines are dominated by wars and a divisive presidential campaign, the magazine-world rivalry between The Atlantic and The New Yorker doesn’t […]