February 7, 2020

Billy Porter’s Stylist Flips Fashion on Its Head

Billy Porter is likely to sweep onto the Oscars red carpet on Sunday night, dazzling in a mélange of gilded feathers and a bouffant skirt, a […]
February 7, 2020

Tired of Winter? Here’s How to Make Your Home a Haven

There comes a moment every winter when reality sinks in that the cold, dark days and long nights are nowhere near over. You can hardly remember […]
February 7, 2020

The Unhealthy Math of Skinny + Pretty = Good

I always liked myself better for what I could be than for what I was — especially when it came to my body. This started at […]
February 7, 2020

There Was Something Funny About Them

Phoebe Stonebraker arrived at James McCarthy’s Brooklyn apartment sweating profusely through a Bill Murray “Space Jam” T-shirt. “It was so hot in the city that day […]
February 6, 2020

The Dog Park Is Bad, Actually

Every morning, rain, shine or snow, people stand around making conversation with strangers as their dogs chase, run and mingle. Ranging from elaborate fenced playgrounds and […]
February 6, 2020

As Long as There’s Been an Envelope, Oscar Parties Have Pushed It

It all began with a dinner dance. Well, a banquet, really. Long before Swifty Lazar corralled celebrities to join him at Spago or Graydon Carter reigned […]
February 6, 2020

Kim Kardashian Has Learned Restraint

LOS ANGELES — When Kim Kardashian West says it, she’s not being funny. She doesn’t smile. She is professional and sincere, and that sincerity is worth […]
February 6, 2020

You Seriously Want Me to Go Out With Her?

My stepdaughter is in a polyamorous relationship with a married woman. My husband and I are saddened by her choice; we see no happy ending for […]
February 6, 2020

The Man Behind the New Front Row

In the fashion world, there are a bunch of rules. Most people are scared to break them, sometimes for good reasons, other times not. About a […]
February 5, 2020

The Politics of Dress at the State of the Union

How much of an impact does a fashion statement have the second (or third) time around? Last year at the State of the Union address, a […]
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