If there were ever an audience primed for the cuckoo rigors of performance art, it is followers of fashion. Who understands duration better than those for […]
Jockeying for Position SIMON DOONAN In the 1980s, Bill Blass and Oscar de la Renta had the nouvelle society ladies. They were the celebrities within that […]
Vanessa Friedman ON THE RUNWAY Blame it on its proximity to New York Fashion Week, which officially starts on Thursday (unofficially, it starts on Wednesday), but […]
Up Next By ANN BINLOT NAME Trevor Andrew AGE 37 HOMETOWN Falmouth, Nova Scotia NOW LIVES In a brownstone in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, with his wife, the […]
Scene City By BEN DETRICK Without meat dresses or controversial interruptions, the MTV Video Music Awards, held Sunday at Madison Square Garden, lacked some of the […]
Sonia Rykiel, the Paris fashion designer who planted her contrarian flag on the Left Bank in the 1960s, flouted haute couture conventions and created chic ready-to-wear […]
Up Next By JOANNA NIKAS AGE 27 HOMETOWN Charlotte, N.C. NOW LIVES Between apartments. She recently lived in a three-story brownstone in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, but she […]