The Rodarte designers on creating costumes for the sequel to the animated film “Sing.” What should an animated elephant, anthropomorphized as a shy teenage girl with […]
A reader asks for guidance on finding glamorous loungewear. Around Christmas and New Year’s, my husband and I enjoy watching films from the 1930s and ’40s. […]
Beyond their global appeal, the iconic outfits from “Squid Game” reveal a link to the history and culture of South Korea. The dystopic, fantastical show “Squid […]
The same woman who stars as the embodiment of poverty in Netflix’s “Maid” is a brand ambassador for one of the world’s largest luxury companies. How […]
How five fashion friends got a starring role fighting discrimination and hate in a new comic book series. One evening, just before Halloween, a party was […]
How five fashion friends got a starring role fighting discrimination and hate in a new comic book series. One evening, just before Halloween, a party was […]
Bibhu Mohapatra and the Washington National Opera pay homage to the Supreme Court justice. The legacy of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has inspired all […]
LOS ANGELES — On election night in America, in the shadow of Grauman’s Chinese Theater and amid the panting anticipation for Ridley Scott’s “House of Gucci” […]
The handbag designer Sonia Ahmimou credits trips to Morocco and help from mentors for her recent triumph: Winning the Andam prize for accessories. PARIS — In […]