Advertisement In his long career as a Hollywood costume designer, Michael Kaplan has created looks for disco legends (the Village People in “Can’t Stop the Music”), […]
Advertisement Ssssh. Listen. Do you hear that? That resounding silence emanating from the fashion world about the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, a.k.a. one of […]
Advertisement Teddy Roosevelt wore Brooks Brothers to his inauguration. So, too, did Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ulysses S. Grant. Forty of the 45 United […]
Advertisement E! Entertainment built an entire two-hour pre-awards franchise on revealing to the world what designer gowns and tuxes various actors and actresses were modeling on […]
Advertisement “For years, we’ve sold these awards shows as women, with our gowns and colors and our beautiful faces and our glamour,” the actress Eva Longoria […]
Advertisement Damien Rosa, 14 (center), and his buddies at Sneaker Con. CreditKrista Schlueter for The New York Times Sneaker Con, a gathering of shoe fanatics founded […]
Advertisement You don’t need an invitation to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding on May 19 to enjoy the ancient castle where they plan to marry, […]
Advertisement CreditYou Sun Edda Gimnes “If someone had told me all of the things that would happen to me after leaving university just two years ago, […]
Advertisement Much has been made in recent weeks of “Phantom Thread,” the Paul Thomas Anderson movie about a 1950s couturier that opens, like a big present […]