Nairobi (Kenya)

November 30, 2023

Kenya Curbs Kenneth Kaunda’s Famous Suit

A favorite of President William Ruto, the suit was banned along with other traditional African attire for violating parliamentary dress codes. Proper attire, the speaker decreed, […]
March 24, 2022

In Kenya, a Bold Approach to Adornment

Ami Doshi Shah “expands expectations of what jewelry is,” one museum curator said. Sitting in her Nairobi studio for a video interview in late February, Ami […]
October 11, 2019

A Writer’s Favorite Spots in Nairobi

The prominent author Zukiswa Wanner, born to a South African father and a Zimbabwean mother in Zambia, has a complicated relationship with Nairobi, the Kenyan capital […]