August 28, 2020

College Is Everywhere Now

As the fall semester begins, many college students will be attending classes from the relative safety of their family homes. Others have arrived to live on […]
August 27, 2020

Parenting in Front of a Live Audience of In-laws

Somewhere in rural Pennsylvania, my husband and I whisper-argue on a mattress strewn across the floor. His hand gestures say, “Lower your voice.” Mine say, “I’m […]
August 15, 2020

Dealing With the Freshman Down the Hall

Every day, it seems, another college abandons in-person plans in favor of starting the fall semester online. Along with the crushing disappointment, first-year students now have […]
July 22, 2020

Once Science Fiction, Gene Editing Is Now a Looming Reality

This article is part of a series exploring how the Americans With Disabilities Act has shaped modern life for people with disabilities. Listen to This Article […]
July 10, 2020

A Glimpse Into My Son’s Magnificent Mind

A tiny white heart marks a five-second video on my phone as beloved, one in which my boy (age 6 at the time) proudly displays a […]
July 4, 2020

This Year’s Summer Campground: Our Bedrooms and Living Rooms

Children at Interlochen Arts Camp in Michigan are doing all the usual this summer. They are taking dance and acting classes, learning to tie knots and […]
June 26, 2020

Pandemic Parenting Was Already Relentless. Then Came Summer.

American parents spend more time and money on their children than ever — and that was before the pandemic. Now, with remote school ending for the […]
June 18, 2020

As Some Sleepaway Summer Camps Close Down, Others Balance the Risks

In 1993, after wrapping up her 10th sleepaway summer at Camp Louise, in Maryland, Dr. Megan Wollman-Rosenwald realized that she didn’t want the experience to end. […]
June 13, 2020

Celebrate Father's Day On a Budget

Celebrating Father’s Day is shaping up to be tricky. The country is reopening, but experts have said to remain cautious and limit indoor gatherings. And, with […]
June 13, 2020

kids children social distance coronavirus

It’s hard enough for adults to maintain social distancing — you’ve seen those photos of crowded beaches and parks — but for young children? That’s a […]