The lingerie brand introduces a feature-length film meant to be the final piece of its reinvention. The last time Victoria’s Secret had a fashion show was […]
Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader-submitted stories of no more than 100 words. Cashier Connection I pull up to the neon-lit drive-through past midnight. The young […]
Maybe you’ve heard there’s a Barbie movie coming out? Well, this isn’t about that. It is, however, about the 11½ inches of intellectual property that inspired […]
The moment Greta Gerwig knew for certain that she could make a movie about Barbie, the most famous and controversial doll in history, she was thinking […]
Women across TikTok are showing off their suppers — snack plates made by one person, for the consumption and enjoyment of one person. It’s 90 degrees […]
In a heady swirl of bright white silk and lace, the young ladies of the Cotillion Society of Detroit Educational Foundation are presented as debutantes. The […]