The “Curb Your Enthusiasm” actress is beloved in Hollywood. In supporting her husband’s campaign, is she normalizing his often dangerous ideas? On a quiet Thursday in […]
Over-the-top locations and characters bathed in red light recall an all but dead genre that was once a staple of late-night cable: the erotic thriller. A […]
A fan-favorite show wraps up a series in which the mostly male characters became more vulnerable, empathetic and comfortable being themselves with other men. The opening […]
Viewers placed friendly bets on who they thought would take control of Waystar Royco. Some jackpots went up to $1,000. This article contains spoilers for the […]
The host of “Taste the Nation” talks about the do-it-yourself nature of shooting her show. In “Taste the Nation,” which debuted its second season this month […]
The host of “Taste the Nation” talks about the do-it-yourself nature of shooting her show. In “Taste the Nation,” which debuted its second season this month […]
Marcia looks “chic” for the funeral, and Matsson follows decorum for once, but the wives and mistresses steal the show. This article contains spoilers for Episode […]
Barefoot on the tarmac, Matsson continues to shock. Shiv bares her neck and Kendall tries a flight jacket. This article contains spoilers for Episode 6 of […]